Retina Check-Up(पर्दे की जांच)
Retinal is a part of our eye system, works to send the image of an object to the brain for processing.
What is retinal disease?
Retinal is a part of our eye system, works to send the image of an object to the brain for processing. Retinal disease can affect any part of your retinal located on the interior of the back wall of your eye. The retina contains millions of light-sensitive cells such as cones and rods along with other nerve cells. The nerve cells organize the visual information and send it to your brain via the optic nerve, enabling us to see.
Any damage in the retina can cause visual impairment if not taken care of in time by a retina specialist. Retinal diseases are one of the most common causes of permanent vision loss.

Problems associated with retina?
1. Retinal tear: Retinal tear occurs when the ‘Vitreous-a gel-like substance’ in the centre of the eye shrinks and tugs on the retina with traction enough to break the tissue layer. Its initial symptoms include flashing lights and floaters.
2. Retinal detachment: In this problem, the fluid passed through retinal tear is accumulated under the retina, lifting it from the underlying tissue layer.
3. Epiretinal membrane: It is a delicate tissue-like membrane lying on the top of the retina. It looks like wrinkled cellophane tape. If this membrane pulls up on the retina, it might cause distorted vision. The objects will appear blurry or crooked which is a problematic issue for the patient.
4. Diabetic retinopathy: In the case of diabetes, the blood vessels in the eye deteriorates resulting in leaking the fluid into and under the retina, causing it to swell. Swelled retina causes distorted vision or blurred vision. One might develop abnormal capillaries that bleed or break causing swelling of the retina.
5. Macular degeneration: In this condition, the centre of the retina starts to deteriorate. The symptoms incorporate blind spots in the centre of the visual field and blurred central vision. Macular degeneration is of two types: wet macular degeneration and dry macular degeneration. Initially, a person develops dry macular degeneration which slowly develops into wet form in one eye or both eyes.
6. Macular hole: It is a small defect in the centre of the retina in the macular located at the backside of your eye. A macular hole might be a result of abnormal traction between the vitreous and retina or could be due to an eye injury.
7. Retinitis pigmentosa: It is a hereditary degenerative disease. It slowly affects the retina resulting in losing side vision and night vision ultimately.
Treatments for retinal diseases are:
The main purpose of treatment is to stop the progressive disease and restore the vision. Treatment of the retinal disease may be complex and includes the following procedures:
1. Using a laser: Laser surgery can be used to treat retinal tear/hole. The retina surgeon uses a laser to heat small pinpoints on the retina. This creates scarring which welds the retina with the underlying tissue. Immediate retinal eye surgery can prevent retinal detachment in the future.
2. Freezing: It is also called ‘cryopexy’, in this the eye surgeon applies a freezing probe to the external portion of the eye to treat a retinal tear. Intense cold freezes the retina and treatment is done. The scar obtained will later secure the retina with the eyewall.
3. Injecting air or gas into your eye: this treatment procedure is called ‘pneumatic retinopexy. In this, the gel-like fluid is removed which is filled inside the vitreous. After this air or gas is injected into this space.
4. Indenting the surface of your eye: This surgery is also called ‘Scleral buckling’ used to treat retinal detachment. Here the retina specialist sews a small piece of silicone material to the eye surface/sclera, to release the traction between the vitreous and retina. Here the retina is reattached. This technique could be used with other treatments.
5. Injecting medicine into the eye: Here your retinopathy specialist injects medicine into the vitreous. It is an effective technique to treat macular degeneration, broken blood vessels or diabetic retinopathy.
6. Implanting a retinal prosthesis: This treatment is used in cases where the patient is at risk of severe vision loss or blindness. In this, a tiny electrode chip is implanted in the retina. This chip receives the image/input from a video camera installed on the pair of eyeglasses. The electrode picks up every visual information that the damaged retina was unable to process earlier.
Why choose 3D Vision’s retina specialist for your Retina treatment in Jaipur
Visit 3D Vision eye care hospital in Jaipur because we have a specialized team of retina surgeons for retinal treatment as well as consultation. Our experts work round the clock to provide you with a clear vision. We understand that every patient is different and their retinal disease is different. Hence, they required specialized and customized treatment according to their condition. 3D Vision has state-of-the-art infrastructure, latest top-grade machine to diagnose and treat all kinds of eye conditions.
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