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10 Precautions for Contact Lens Users

1. Thoroughly Wash Your Hands Before Using Contact Lenses

Before touching your contact lenses whether you are wearing or removing them, always wash your hands properly with soap and dry them thoroughly with a lint-free towel or tissues. Use a gentle and mild soap that doesn’t contains any lotion, perfume, or oil as such elements may leave a film layer or residues on your hands.

2. Don’t clean your contacts with saline

Saline is nothing more than sterile salt water. It cannot disinfect your contact lenses. Always use recommended lens solution. If you’re not sure which type of disinfectant is best for you and your lenses, check with your eye doctor for a recommendation.

3. Don’t recycle your contact lens solution

If you’re looking for a way to save money, this isn’t it! Once your contact lens solution is used once, the disinfecting capability is gone. You need to use fresh solution every time you remove and store your lenses. Topping off the remaining disinfectant with a bit of new solution is also prohibited.

4. Replace your contact lens case regularly

Eye doctors advise switching to a new contact lens case about every three months. Just like your toothbrush or kitchen sponge, lens cases get dirty and need to be replaced.

5. Never sleep in your contact lenses

We recommend removing your lenses before sleeping, because leaving them in raises your risk of infection, irritation, and corneal injury. When your eyes are closed, less oxygen reaches them, create to help humid environment, most suitable for bacteria to grow. To add to this problem, closed eyelids also hold any germs on your contacts close to your eye.

6. Don’t swim or shower in your lenses

All water including rivers, oceans, lakes, swimming pools, hot tubs, and tap water – is a fertile breeding ground for acanthamoeba, bacteria that can cause dangerous eye infection, which can lead to corneal ulcer and permanent vision loss.

7. Remove your lenses when they bother you

Many people just bear with eye irritation from their contact lenses. It is an indication to change your contact lenses. There may be chipping of edge of contact lenses or deposit on contact lenses or may be infection in eyes.

8. Don’t lick your lenses

Next time you consider wetting your lenses with saliva, think again. Your mouth is full of germs, none of which are safe to put in your eyes.

9. Discard Contact lenses after appropriate time

It is advisable to replace your contact lenses. Never reuse daily disposable contact lenses. They were designed to be worn for just one day.

10 Cosmetic Safety

Put your contact lenses in before applying makeup and remove your lenses before taking your makeup off. Never share your contact lenses with someone else.

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