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7 Eye Care Mistakes to Avoid in the Monsoon Season

7 Eye Care Mistakes to Avoid in the Monsoon Season

The drizzle of the showers in monsoon season is definitely a boon for all of us. The showers bring calmness to our mind and body and relieve us from all our worries.
The rainy season, on the one hand bring happiness in our lives, while on the other hand, the rain water becomes the carrier of many bacteria and viruses. In rainy season, there is heavy moisture in the atmosphere, which breeds bacteria, viruses and other germs.
It is then very obvious then, if we get wet in rains, we will suffer from fever, body aches or viral infection. Even our most delicate sense organs, our eyes, are worst affected by rains if not taken care of properly.
Every individual has his own personal hygiene routine. It is very essential that they evolve a healthy hygiene routine for eye care in monsoon.

Common Eye Problems in the Monsoon Season

1. Conjunctivitis

This condition is also known as pink eye. Its’ symptoms include red eye, swelling, discharge, slight pain and irritation. It is a highly contagious problem and spread very easily especially during rains.

2. Stye

It is a very common eye infection that results in a painful lump on the eyelid. Due to clogged glands, the bacteria multiply and lead to discharge, redness, and painful bump.

3. Dry Eyes

Frequent thunderstorms give rise to dust and pollutants in the atmosphere, eventually leading to dry eye syndrome. In this condition, eyes cannot produce sufficient tears to keep them moist.  

4. Corneal Ulcer

Corneal ulcers are most commonly caused by an infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or a parasite. During rainy season this possibility is very high.

A corneal ulcer is an open sore on your cornea.  Its’ symptoms include a red, watery and bloodshot eye, severe eye pain and pus or other eye discharge.  

7 Eye Care Mistakes to be Avoided in The Monsoon Season

  1. Not wearing protective Eye gear
    It is generally considered that we should wear sunglasses in sun only. So, people generally avoid wearing them in monsoons.
    However, when we go out in rains, the polluted rain water may enter in our eyes and gives rise to eye infection.
    Increased moisture content in the atmosphere and thunder storms also trouble your eyes.
    So, one must wear protective eyewear in monsoon also. Ensure that you clean your eye gear with a clean cloth and share it with anyone else.
  2. Improper eye care routine 
    Some people have a tendency to rub their eyes too often. Sometimes they do so to soothe their eyes but forget to wash their hands. In such a case, the dirty hands infect the eyes.
    This practice should be strictly avoided in monsoon season. Wash our hands properly when you touch your eyes. Wash your eyes from cold water when you return from outside.
  3. Misusing eye cosmetics 
    Eye make-up comes out very easily during the rainy season and may enter ones’ eyes. So, always use waterproof eye make-up and never share it with others. Also, there are certain make-up products which do not retain their quality in moisture and fungus may grow on them. Such products should be avoided, especially if you wear contact lenses. Never share lens containers with anyone and clean properly before and after use.
  1. Sharing personal belongings
    It is common in some families to share personal towels, pillows and other things of personal hygiene with other members. This is a very incorrect practice and must be avoided.
    Sharing personal things transfers eye infection from one person to another . Special care should be taken when any family member is already having conjunctivitis or any other eye infection.
    If you use a common swimming pool, it should also be avoided.
  2. Exposure to dust and pollutants
    When monsoon season ends, there are fine dust particles around in the atmosphere which create itching and irritation inside the eyes. If you jet get caught in a dust storm, don’t forget to wash your eyes immediately. Dust particles in the eye can lead to various infections and can irritate the eye in general, so always use eye protection like glasses when exposed to wind or dust.
  1. Avoid Waterlogged Areas
    Many infections breed around waterlogged areas. In order to enjoy the beauty of the season, people generally hang out around such places, which should be totally avoided. Try to remain indoors, avoid eating outside and hanging out near a water logged area.
  2. Taking Self Medication
    In case of any eye problem during monsoon, self medication should be totally avoided. No eye drops should be used without prior consultation with your ophthalmologist in your nearest eye hospital.
    Self medication may worsen the situation leading to some more serious eye problems.

Stated simply, one must-
A. Wear Protective eye glasses while going out in rains
B. Wash or sanitize hands frequently
C. Not share things of personal nature (towels, pillows, glasses, lens containers)
D. Maintain personal hygiene
E. Eat safe and balanced food
F. Visit your eye specialist when facing any eye problem

Eye infections during monsoon is not a serious threat, still it is very important to care for them and visit your ophthalmologist in case of any problem or for routine checkups.
Only your eye specialist can examine the eye condition and treat it in time. By avoiding some wrong practices, you can do a lot for protecting your eyes and can enjoy the monsoon.


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